Friday 6 February 2009


hello everyone me again

the reason ur comments wasnt working was
a) i had it on the setting where i was moderating comments but thats annoying and i wont be checking that often and im sure creeps wont be interested in takamatsu bahai life
b) you used to have to be a member of this blog to comment i think but im changing that too cos thats dumb

today my japanese got slightly better and i spoke more, yesterday we went to the art museum and visited a famous sculptors exhibition, the scultpors a local and apparently had a massive sculpt? in the foyer of the world trade centre which was the only thing that survived the attack but was demolished by bulldozers to get to the other bits of the building

i met my host dads mum who speaks osaka dialect which is completely unintelligble and has a different accent but shes so funny and talkative and i said iw as from sydney shes like where? then cathy said australia. shes like is that near austria? and then cathy said no then grandma said oh is it near london? oh dear. but it gave me some perspective about australias global importance or lack thereof

i dont know whther i said before but we sleep on futons here, my host parents sleep in a tatami room and today we put the futons and blankets on the roof (the roofs are sloped so u ccan climb out of the top storeys windows onto it) to air them, apparently thats traditional

we had a Baha'i Feast today which is basically a gathering of the Baha'is in the local community every 19 days to have prayers together then talk about whats been going on and what nees to be done and just to socialise, sort of like church but not at church. okay i suck at explaining things. but yeah there were only 5 of us which was interesting cos theres like 80 plus that come in warringah and it was held in the middle of the day. one of the Baha'is, Ando-san just came back from the Baha'i World Centre in Israel on pilgrimage so she was pretty enthusiastic, shes a member of a gospel group and when i was talking about musical firesides (inviting people to your house and giving them an introduction to the Baha'i Faith in a way that involves music) she thought i meant a "musical" cos i said it in english then she started singing loudly 52600 minutes or however many that song is... anyway what a character

cant think of anything else to say but bye everyone :)


  1. hahaha @ Australia's lack of importance, it's so true

  2. The comments mess is explained. Good.

    Good to hear your Japanese is starting to improve.

    Thanks for posting.

    Love Dad.

  3. I can hear that character singing from here (:

    (: Aunty june

  4. haha Osakan people are always so cool

    one time I asked if my host mother knew where Australia was compared to NZ and she asked "aren't they one country?"
