Thursday 5 February 2009

first couple of days

hello everybody

i am in takamatsu at the moment staying in a traditional looking japanese home which is 2 storeys and very cold. i cant work out how to use caps lock on a jaopanese keyboard but if i could, very would be in caps. also the keyboard is slightly smaller and some buttons are in weird places so excuse the typos

yesterday i went to my host mum, cathy`s friends place in the city to watch her do 茶道 (sadou- tea ceremony) it was really good and tasted declicious and foamy- there was also a 5 yr old girl there with her mum and she was hilarious, the only thing in english she knew was "fish or beef" cos apparently at her preschool they did a role play where they had to pretend to be waiters

the lady who hosted it, mariko, also invited us to a sushi party later in february where shell show me how to make proper sushi- i told my host father earlier that my favourite sushi is kimchee, avocado and sundried tomato and he almost had a heart attack hes like kimchee in sushi???
apparently in japan they have pizza with yaki soba (fried noodles on it which i think is way weirder but hey

the plane trip here i flied jetstar cos i was wanted to save money and i was pleasantly surprised with how good it was, the safety demonstrations were the most comprehensive ive seen so far. inflight entertainment was v.good and i was lucky to sit next to someone who was 19/20 y.o. and going to melbourne uni (hi stan if ur reading this) and we spent like the whole time talking so that was good, were both obsessed with languages and have a social conscience which was good - also an added bonus that i now know someone who lives in melbourne!

im sleeping on a futon atm in a house where all the doors are sliding so its pretty nice and traditional. also my host parents arent too formal so that took a lot of stress of me worrying about how to act- my japanese is abysmal btw. that would also be in caps if i could. liek shockingly embarassingly yr7-level bad. ie i forgot how to say good night last night. being at the tea party was good tho cos they spoke in japanese the whole time which i could understand a lot of , but i guess it will take a bit of time before my level of spoken japanese gets back to what it should be since i havent spoken it since the hsc exam in august

we rode bikes into the city as well yesterday- mum they are so much better than our bikes! like soooo much easier to ride and it was really enjoyable, about a third of the people riding bikes i saw were elderly- japanese ppl are so healthy

it was funny being on the plane, there was a limit of 20kg for luggage and 10kg for onboard so my suitacse was 19.5kg and my backpack was 9.5 and stuffed to the brim, and i was wearing a heavy warm jacket and a ski jacket that must have weighed about 4kg cos all the pocketswere crammed full of stuff in the gold coast. i got stared at alot.

japans pretty goodso far, it feels no different from being at home which is good and takamatsu isnt hilariously overly dense so i dont have to worry abou tbeing claustrophobic

thats all that i can think of to say right now, ill write something else in another few days



  1. lol you are so cool sonia (i had to say it... wow i sound like tomas)

    looks like you had lots of fun already! it sorta reminds me of when i went

    i got to "fluent" in a few days and could talk with everyone quite easily ("fluent" means can say what i've learnt with ease like for english) so dont worry about not remembering random stuff (though you probably arent worrying too much hahaha) and that was me going off year 10 japanese

    im so うらやましい "seeing" you over there!(wow im so good at japanese!) just wait till i get there then we can have our fluency wars (i let you have 1 month head start because im just that much better than you)

  2. Lovely to hear from you Sonia

    Love Dad

  3. Lovely to hear from you Sonia.

    Sounds like you are settling in well.

    Your Japanese will come quickly I am sure.

    Love Dad.

  4. Ah that was so interesting to hear how the keyboard is different and its interesting how you kinda text speak and stuff too- well done with packing to the limits (: did Poppy tell you is story about packing to come here, he did't realise he needed two bags

    We're all looking forward to hearing more of how your trip goes, and i am sure you will look back at this blog and it will be a great record of your trip.

    Aunty June

  5. Hi Sonia,

    Did you get my last comment, if not i will write it again (: anyway thanks for letting us know how it is all going. The biking sounds very healthy indeed.

    Aunty June

  6. It won't let me "follow this blog" for some reason but I am reading everything :)

  7. Hey sonja!

    Jetstar is good but its frustrating going through the Gold Coast hey!
    You'll get so fit over there, riding bikes, walking, exploring, im so jealous! I dont kn ow about Takamatsu but in Osaka and Tokyo people are always on the move and its hard not to go with the flow...

    Anyway I'm going to read the rest of your blog :P

    xx Lisa
