Monday 22 June 2009

An Eventful Week

Hello once again

We had another guest this week, this time- Cathy's cousin, Skye, who grew up in Australia. She's currently living in Tokyo with her husband while he works on his PhD thesis in anthropology. Skye originally came to Japan for a year as a 15 yr old on exchange- and if she adds up all the times she's been here, she says its probably about 6 years. Her Japanese, as you would expect, is amazing. Skye is a professional journalist and photographer, which I also found interesting as I enjoy taking photos too.

The other day, I went out bowling with Andrew, Angela and Ando-san. I think out of all of us, I had been bowling the most recently which was probably about 3 or 4 years ago. Anyway, it was hugely fun- we all got really into it (jumping up and down and yelling in support of each other, clapping enthusiastically even when one of us got zero...).

Andrew and Angela were interviewed today for the same segment in the newspaper that I was in a few months ago. The section is designed to give Japanese people an insight into "the lives of foreigners". This particular segment is going to be about what movies Andrew and Angela enjoy. It was fun for me though, because I sat in and *tried* to interpret what everyone was saying, which at times was particularly difficult.

The weather is continuing to get worse and worse- this week is going to be 31 like everyday and HUMID. It's worst when you are wearing jeans, a hat and a jacket- for sun and mosquito protection - and cycling. You get so sweaty that Japanese people carry mini-towels around with them in summer, to wipe themselves off before a meeting. To be fair, I don't mind the current weather too much, it's more the knowledge that it is going to become significantly even hotter that I find difficult. I have a newfound respect for my uncle, who, whether its 42 degrees or 8 degrees, cycles to work from the outer suburbs of Melbourne into the city everyday.

We went to the orphanage again with Nahid yesterday to give the children "virtues education" (lexically-dense explanation?). This time, Ando-san and Angela also came with us. This month's theme was "love". The kids are all between 1 and 5, and for being so young I was really impressed by how well they listened, and how well-mannered they were.
We read the first part of the following quote together, then the children coloured in a picture of a rose:

"In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love,
and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold"
- Baha'u'llah
Once again, if people want to comment or email me, have any questions, opinions or anything about what I'm doing and my blogs- feel free!
Love from Japan,

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